Thursday, December 25, 2008

A Seto Christmas

The Seto Clan celebrated the Annual Seto Christmas Party on Christmas Eve at May-Goo (that's chinese for Auntie May) and Uncle Jim's house this year.

Their doggie, Rex was the official greeter. He is soooo cute!!! Every time the door bell rang, Rex would scamper over to the door and barked loudly to greet each and every arrival. Then he would scamper over to retreive his favourite toy, (a Toy Stuffed Bone) and scamper back as to proudly show off his toy to us. I wish I had taken a picture of him with the toy bone in his mouth, but he was so excited greeting the guests and kept on moving around, that it was impossible for me to get a good shot of him.

May-Goo and Uncle Jim were absoutely amazing! They had just returned home from a vacation in Mexico. They made it back home at around 3AM in the morning of December 24. Uncle Jim had a few hours of sleep and then went in to work for 4 hours and returned home to help May-Goo set up for the party. By 6:30PM that night, they had the whole spread laid out, with lots of appetizers, a special Philipino style Christmas Ham, Christmas Goose, veggies and assorted desserts. Everyone else brought their home-cooked/store bought food to add to the spread and needless to say, we were all STUFFED by the end of the night.

For entertainment, the older cousins mostly enjoyed playing the PS3 Rockband on the big Screen TV, while the younger cousins enjoyed their hand-held Nintendo DS games. The adults had a great time catching up with each other by socializing the old-fashioned way (that would be face-to-face conversations sans electronics). Is the art of conversation dying? or is it evolving from being face-to-face to virtual interacting by machine? Dick speculates that in the future, we will still socialize in the same room, but instead of talking to each other face-to-face, we will be chatting through hand-held devices (in the same room!!!). I, for one hope that we will continue to connect as people without having to resort to some hand-held device, otherwise, we will become part human, part machine. Hmmmmm... makes you think what Christmas get-togethers will be like five years from now.

Thanks May-Goo and family. As always, we had a wonderful wonderful time!

Rex greeting all the visitors in his Festive Attire

Our gracious hostess, Auntie May

Younger cousins enjoying their Nintendo DS's

Older cousins enjoying PS3 Rockband

Adam & Colin join in

Rockband was the party favourite for these cousins

They rocked!!!

Malay-Goo & Uncle Norman

May-Goo & Debbie prepares the Dessert Table

Malay-Goo is the first to dig in.

The Seto Women

Our Hostess & Hosts (May-Goo, Rex & Uncle Jim) enjoying a relaxing moment

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