Due to the dire warnings and announcements of school closings all across the GTA, February 2, 2011 was declared a Snow Day. The first Snow Day announced since January 1999. Wow! Remember January 1999 when Mayor Mel called in the Army to dig us out from under 40 cm of accumulated snow? Ever since that day, Torontonians have been endlessly jeered by the rest of Canada for being wimps. Imagine what the rest of Canada thinks of us now!
Personally, I think it's nice to have a Snow Day. Why should we all scramble out and fight through the snow if we don't have to? Why not stay home and just have some fun in the snow right in our own backyard? Heck, if people in Orillia can have 5 to 8 Snow Days on average a year, why can't Torontonians enjoy a Snow Day every 12 years or so? So come on, denizens of the GTA, kick back your snow boots and relax and enjoy your Snow Day!

Colin seems to think shovelling snow in my direction will dissuade me from taking pictures of them.
Whoa! That snow is flying in my direction a little too close. No one ever appreciates what a dangerous job we paparazzis must endure in order to report a good story.
Here we were back in 1999, digging out our little Spruce Tree. It was just a baby tree back then, just like my little ones.

At least you enjoyed the snow in the comfort of your own home! It be cool if you had before an after pictures of you the family back then versus now in the same pose! Your spruce tree would be taller and everyone would be looking up!
That would be cool but try telling 2 teenage boys to pose for a picture. It ain't gonna happen. I was lucky I even got any pictures of them.
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