Everyday, on my way to work, going south on Yonge Street towards Finch Avenue, I always pass by a restaurant called "Hell's Chicken". I was curious enough to finally drop by recently to check it out. The restaurant was obviously a ripoff of the popular cooking TV show called "Hell's Kitchen".
I had expected from reading a few scant reviews on this Korean enterprise that Hell's Chicken might be a family runned Chicken Wing take-out type of eatery but upon entering the place, it turned out to be more of a Sports Bar, catering to the beer drinking crowd. That being not my scene, I made a quick exit. But at least my curiosity has now been satisfied. Below is a picture of the Eatery called Hell's Chicken.
Since we were already in the area, we made our way over to the Galleria Supermarket. This place is like one big giant supermarket selling pretty much everything you will find straight out of a supermarket in Korea. They even stock products from Japan. Everytime I visit this place, it always takes me back to our visits to Tokyo, where we were astounded by the large array of delightful products found there. Below is but a small sampling of what can be found at the Galleria Supermarket.
All the ingredients you need, all ready to go into a Yummy Ham & Kimchi Stew. Just add water. I'm not so sure that the slice of Kraft Cheese (in the upper left hand corner) should be included in this stew. Sounds kinda gross to me.
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