Dick and I celebrated his birthday yesterday by watching the movie "The Day the Earth Stood Still" on opening day, same day as his birthday. Coincidentally, Dick found the 1950's version being televised the night before, so we had a chance to watch both old and new versions for a good comparison. I enjoyed both versions as they both conveyed a much needed message to the people on Earth. The premise of the movie is that a spaceman and his robot lands on Earth to warn us humans to either clean up our act or else the Earth, along with the human race will perish. The spaceman in the older version was a friendlier being while the spaceman in the newer version was much more serious. His mission was to save Earth and its other lifeforms from the human beings' destructive ways and he had no trouble wiping out the entire human race in order to do so. His stark message was: If Human Beings continue with their destructive ways, then Earth dies and Human Beings will die. If Human Beings die, then Earth lives.
So is that what it will take to make us all realize how very destructive we are to each other and to this Earth,(our one and only Home)? Or will we all as a whole, come to our senses and do what it takes to continue on with our great civilization, without intervention or threat from an ExtraTerrestrial Force? IT'S REALLY ALL UP TO US, ISN'T IT? CAN WE GET OUT OF THIS MESS WE ARE IN? I'll save this thought for another post.
Anyways, Dick's parents dropped by mid-week to celebrate his birthday. Dick's mom as usual prepared a scrumpdelicious feast which lasted us for the next couple of days. She even baked a simple but yummy orange cake to mark the occasion.
On Thursday night, Colin & Derek volunteered to make a chocolate cake from scratch for their dad. It turned out really well and I decorated it to look like a Flat Screen TV. That is as close as Dick is gonna get to owning one in the near or far future.
For his Birthday dinner, Dick wanted to order a party size Sushi & Sashimi Platter from our friendly neighbourhood Sushi & Sashimi take-out. We love this place because the sushi chefs are so friendly and fast and as a bonus, we always get treated to a couple of complimentary Handrolls while we wait. There aren't too many dining venues which provide such great service.
Well, I hope you enjoyed your Birthday, Dick! Another year older, another year wiser???

Dick's parents dropped by mid week to celebrate his birthday

Colin & Derek making chocolate cake for their Dad

Even though it looks more like a computer screen, this is a suppose to be a Flat Screen TV

Happy Birthday Dick

Our favourite Sushi & Sashimi take-out joint

They are friendly and fast here

Dick enjoying his complimentary Hand Roll

Dick's Birthday Sushi & Sashimi Platter
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