The month of June 2009 truly belongs to Colin, my oldest son. I hereby proudly present all the hi-lights for the month of Colin in which he turned 18, participated in a Multi-Cultural Show, attended his High School Prom, the Graduation Ceremony and a Post Graduation Pool Party.

For his 18th Birthday, we had a low-key celebration since Colin didn't want to make a big fuss about his birthday. Derek and I made him his favourite, a Chocolate Cake decorated with banana and strawberry slices and strange meringue mushroom figures.

His grandparents also joined in on the celebration and presented him with a great big cheque for reaching this milestone. It's really gonna come in handy towards his upcoming Tuition Bill. Thanks Grandma & Grandpa!

Here are some of the participating members from the Multi-Cultural Event held at Langstaff Secondary.

Colin choreographed the moves for the Kung Fu Skit where 2 rival chinese gangs rumble.

Got a good shot of Colin in action.

Here's the Group doing some Tai Chi moves.

I really enjoyed the Japanese dancers with their beautiful costumes and lovely moves.

The Korean Dancers also put on a spectacular show.

Here is the party of 10 that Colin shared a ride with to get to the Prom.

For Prom Night, Colin's group rode in style in this Stretch Limo.

The Limo Rental cost them $40 per person. Not bad considering it got them all the way from Richmond Hill to the Waterfront and back.

Here's Colin's Prom Date. Jessica is a sweet and multi-talented girl who not only participated in 3 of the Multi-Cultural shows, but also co-hosted it. She even made some Cream Puffs for Colin and making Puff Pastries requires great skill. Colin is so lucky!

Martin is one of Colin's best buddies dating from Elementary School

They held the Prom at the Atlantis Banquet Hall in Ontario Place. Coincidentally, the same place where my High School prom was held!

Colin's graduation momentos.

Colin also received a Certificate of Endorsement in Business Studies along with his High School Diploma. The Class of 2009 consisted of nearly 300 grads. That's huge. No wonder the ceremony took so long. I think that may be twice the amount of students as when I graduated from High School.

Proud parents

The Graduation Ceremony was held at this beautiful venue. I think my own high school graduation ceremony was held in our High School auditorium. How times have changed.

Colin receives his High School Diploma!

The Valedictorian, Mark Lee is a very charismatic fellow and also receipient of numerous awards. His speech was very funny and witty and he ended the speech with song. He is really quite the singer.

Mark was good enough to co-ordinate this photographic moment for all the proud parents to capture as all the New Grads tossed their graduation caps into the air at the end of his fine speech.
Notice the little baby in the arms of the woman in red? I was totally amazed that this baby sat through a 2 hour long ceremony without fussing or making a sound. Such a good baby.

Here's Dick clowning around with Colin.

At first, I thought we were gonna have to do some serious photoshopping to remove this clown who snuck in his smiley face out of the picture. But it turns out this clown is the High School vice-principal, so we decided to keep him in. Very Funny, Mr. Hilmer.

Here's Colin and the very lovely Jessica who won the Governor General's Academic Medallion, awarded to the graduating student with the highest final average of all Grade 11 and 12 courses. Her overall average was 96%. Way to go Jessica!!!
Colin ended the month with a BIG SPLASH by attending a Post Graduation Pool Party. Colin became an instant hero by bringing a Party Size Platter of Sushi. Too bad nobody thought of bringing a camera to commemorate the Final Good Times before everyone parted ways for the summer.

So now Colin will be off to Ryerson University to study "Information Technology Management" in September. Coincidentally, Ryerson happens to be the same post-secondary institution that both Dick and I graduated from more than 25 years ago. Of course, back in those days, Ryerson was not yet a University. It was a Polytechnical Institution and a fine Institution it was when it was known to us affectionately as "Rye High" because it still retained the same atmosphere as a High School. We hope Colin will continue the tradition by joining the "Ryerson Chinese Student Association"(RCSA) where Dick and I met and still hold many many fond memories of.
Heartfelt Thanks to my most favourite niece, Patricia, for giving Colin this Ryerson Hoodie as a most fitting Graduation Gift.