Ahhhhh.... Summer-time. I Love Summer. I especially Love Summer and Vacation Time. For my Summer Vacation, I stayed home and enjoyed all there was to enjoy right here in my own home, backyard, front yard, and the Richmond Hill/Markham/Scarborough area. Come join me as I recount some of the hi-lites from my Summer Staycation.
According to Wikipedia, a
staycation is a
neologism for a period of time in which an individual or family stays at home and relaxes at home or takes day trips from their home to area attractions.

Caught the first Monarch butterfly of the season fluttering around my butterfly garden.

Here's the Monarch butterfly laying eggs on the milkweed plant. I will be doing a separate post on the Monarch Life cycle again later this month. Every summer, we continue to be fascinated by the miracle of watching a butterfly egg hatch into a caterpillar, watching the caterpillar spin itself into a beautiful chrysalis and then finally transform itself into a pretty butterfly. AMAZING!!!

We started off the week by visiting Chapters Indigo where everyone picked up some books for summer reading. I really enjoy reading about Zen Philosophy. In a "Brief History of Everything, Ken Wilbur did a great job summarizing and integrating the ideas of some of the greatest thinkers and sages throughout the ages as well as the various religions and scientific theories in an attempt to explain how we evolved from the Lowest Level of Nothingness into the Highest Level of Nothingness. Very thought-provoking.

Sadly, one of my cousin's mom had passed away and Dick and I attended the funeral on the weekend. This is the garden area of the funeral home. I wish I had taken more pictures of the event but I didn't want to break any funeral visitation etiquette. I found it interesting that there were Buddhist Monks chanting and singing while saying some prayers during the ceremony. I also found out that my parents' burial plots are located not too far away from my cousin's parents' plots. It got me thinking about my own passing but I still can't decide what's best: underground burial or cremation? Well, maybe some other options will come up before I make my final decision.

After the burial, we were invited to a dinner reception to be held about an hour and half later. To pass the time, my sister suggested we visit J-Town which was only 2 blocks west of the restaurant where the reception was going to be held. J-Town may be the only truly Japanese Shopping Centre, run by Japanese vendors, filled with all things Japanese. Kevin points to a poster advertising their upcoming Sidewalk Sales. Hmmm... better keep some of those dates open for a future visit(s).

Here we are enjoying a peaceful Japanese Zen Garden at J-Town.

Here are some of the exotic snacks on display.

There were many interesting samples on offer to entice shoppers into buying some of their delicious treats, including miso-marinated tuna, yellowtail fish, different seafood dumplings, seaweed salads, and come crispy-deep-fried duck liver snack. Of course, I tried them all and they were all very yummy.

The sales clerk even gave the kids some very creamy chocolate pieces to sample. Lucky for us, the kids gave them up to me and my sister to try. The piece wrapped in pink was strawberry flavoured. Hmmmmmmm.... so so good.

In the Chinese tradition, each guest visiting a funeral home receives a packet filled with a piece of candy and some spending money. The money, usually a loonie, can only be spent on buying something sweet to be consumed on the same day to counter the sadness of losing a loved one. I ended up buying two $1.00 treats at J-Town (the Peach Gummies for Dick and the White Chocolate Macadamia Nuts for me).

I also ended up buying this Rice-filled Squid Snack for a buck.

This is what it looks like on the inside. Very very tasty.

You guessed it. I liked J-Town so much, I went back again the very next day to pick up on some more of their specials.

As the sign suggests, J-Town = Sweet, Eat, Smile, Laugh and Talk. So Kuku and so Kawaii.

Lucky for us, we went shopping on a "Surprising Sale" Day!!! Woohoo!!!

Look, Anpan Man buns!!! So very Japanese.

We picked up some more Japanese delicacies. Marinated baby octopi and marinated seaweed & squid. They were excellent. The best part was that these were going for half price because we arrived one hour before closing time.

Stocked up on fresh Asian ingredients, our family made some Fresh Rice Rolls to bring to my parents.

We also brought along these are waffle-like cute little fishie treats filled with a delicious red bean paste. Dick pan-fried them first to give them a more crispy flavour.

My sister and her kids dropped by to visit and we had an Asian Themed Party.

We made more fresh rice rolls. The fresh picked mint and thai basil from my garden added a unique and refreshing taste to the rolls.

My sis made some home-made bubble tea. She made 3 different flavours: strawberry, mango and green apple. I made some mandarin orange flavoured jelly cubes the night before as an added fun ingredient.

Here's the spread.

My sis also brought along some freshly picked raspberries from her garden. Apparently raspberries are very easy to grow. Her neighbour had given her 6 raspberry twigs to plant 2 summers ago. They have spread so quickly, she now has over 20 bushes lining her property. She has been busily getting other neighbours and friends to take some of these bushes away.

Here's Colin hunting for some red currants. He found only a small handful. We'll have to wait a little bit longer to harvest them.

My niece and nephew are re-enacting a scene from Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in front of our mini bamboo forest.

Meanwhile, my sister is weaving together a bamboo wreath from some young bamboo twigs.

We ended the afternoon of fun by baking some ice-cream shaped cookies. Even though Derek missed out on this get-together (the poor guy had to work that day), we made a turtle cookie just for him.

During my holidays, I was happy to spend more time tending to my garden. Here's my black raspberry bush. Not too many berries for this year. Maybe next year, we'll have a larger bounty?

At least the gai lan (chinese broccoli) were ready for harvesting. I dug them out and re-seeded. They take about 2 months to grow from seed. So I'm hoping we'll get another harvest by mid-September.

The bunch on the left is from my garden. The bunch on the right came from the Chinese supermarket. We cooked the home-grown bunch for dinner tonight and it tasted good. The stalk near the bottom was a bit woody but became more tender closer to the top.
So far, the sugar pea plants which looked so promising in the spring have been a big disappointment for me. Of the 9 pea plants I started from seed, none of them survived the transplant. Even when I re-seeded directly into my backyard, only 1 lone plant made it but even that one surviving plant doesn't look too strong.
Same with the ox-heart tomato plants. I had 4 really strong looking plants started but due to heavy winds from several severe rainstorms, it doesn't look like any of those tomato plants will make it either.
I'm now pinning my hopes on the grape tomato plants. I started out with about 12 or 13 of these plants, of which only about 5 or 6 are still standing. I sure hope they can withstand today's heavy windstorm.
So now my summer staycation is coming to an end. I really enjoyed staying up late, sleeping in, staying in my pjs for as long as my hubby will allow me, relaxing, indulging in all my favourite activities like gardening, reading, paper-crafting, cross stitching and cooking. Much as I wish I could retire for good tomorrow, I'll just have to be satisfied that I got a taste of what my retirement life will be like in the not-too-distant future while I still get paid to enjoy my time off from the 8-4:30 grind. Make that the 7am-6pm grind when commute time is included. Geez, 11 hours a day, 5 days a week, wasted, not doing things I'd rather be doing. Yes, Early Retirement is looking better and better all the time. Soon, very very soon....